E's Blog about all things Panerai

E's notes on a scorecard about Panerai watches, Straps for Panerai, Life and then some.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Appreciation of Tritium once again takes the spotlight...

While current series (F/G/H/I) prices are steady or lower, I see the Tritium pieces continuing to increase......

All of my information shows that the "A" series, 127 etc, Pre-Vendome and a few neo-vintage watches continue to rise at a rapid rate yet the LNIB have held steady or have gone down in price....

What do you think the reasons are?

I think the collector's are showing that the "Tritium" Panerai are a limited commodity that cannot be duplicated. I also think that as people get more and more into Panerai the appreciation (love thereof not $$)of Panerai watches and history continues to soar.

Yet, while people flock to these pieces, there may just be a bit of a "glut" of LNIB for the time being. The price increase will allow these pieces' prices (say that 3 time aloud) to steady at the risk of making a bit of an over supply of the new models at higher prices....

Of course, this is my opinion and I welcome yours.

Thank you



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